

How to Deploy a GatsbyJS site onto IPFS on Fleek

Gatsby allows for the creation of static sites in a simple, straightforward manner. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a Gatsby project and deploy it to IPFS thanks to Fleek.


How to Deploy a Wordpress Website onto IPFS

Fleek allows websites to easily find a home on IPFS where they can rest readily accessible, permanent, and uncensorable. In this tutorial, we will show you how simple it is to export a Wordpress site, host it on IPFS and share it with the world.


How to deploy a Next.js app onto IPFS using Fleek

We’ll create a Next.js app and deploy it on Fleek. This whole process It should take 10 minutes.


Create and Deploy a React Application to IPFS in Under Ten Minutes

A React application can be bootstrapped in a matter of minutes with create-react-app. Fleek allows apps to be deployed to IPFS in a matter of minutes. These two go together like peanut butter and jelly, allowing for development and deployment to be complete in a flash.
