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Ethereum Wallet Logins⚡ are Arriving to Fleek 🦊

The day has come! As of today, you can sign up or sign in to Fleek with an Ethereum wallet. Powered by Sign in With Ethereum and WalletConnect!

We hinted at this release last week, with the authentication page overhaul, and today we’re not only releasing one option but four different Ethereum wallet authentication providers.
It’s time to welcome blockchain & crypto users into Fleek, the dApp way.

This is the first of many steps towards a Web3 rehaul to Fleek, bringing you wallet-based accounts and soon a non-custodial first experience.

Ethereum Authentication on Fleek ⚡

If you visit app.fleek.co, you’ll find a new Sign in with Ethereum option, next to the Git or Email provider options!

For this new authentication option, we brought in four main Ethereum provider options that you know and love:

  • MetaMask 🦊
  • Rainbow 🌈
  • Wallet Connect 🤝

Coming next? Gnosis Multi-Sig 🔒 too! We disabled this option momentarily as Gnosis handles signatures differently and a gas fee payment would be involved upon sign in. We’re working on a different implementation to integrate it!

From any Web3 enthusiast or solo developer to DAOs or multi-sig that want decentralized control of their Fleek account and projects. We’re getting ready to welcome them all!

Using MetaMask 🦊

With MetaMask, it takes a couple of clicks to use your extension wallet to authenticate to Fleek.

Using Rainbow, or Wallet Connect 🌈

For these three wallets, all it takes is a QR scan to get started!

Users can create new wallet-only accounts; or use the flow shown below to link a wallet to an existing GitHub or email account:

That’s a wrap for today! Hit our Discord or Twitter if you have any feedback regarding the release, and let us know what you’d like to see next come to Fleek. We’ve got a ton of news in store.