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Fleek + IPFS: Web3 Deployment Simplified


Fleek.co offers a seamless workflow. It offers all the tools needed to deploy and manage sites on IPFS. Focus on content and code. Fleek handles the rest.

IPFS & Data Integrity

IPFS stands for Interplanetary File System. It’s a distributed file system used for storing and sharing files, data and websites. The system has unique benefits such as decentralization and data integrity. More information here.

Photo by Nicolas Picard on Unsplash

IPFS is decentralized by creating a peer-to-peer network that can be hosted anywhere. It provides data integrity by linking to its content instead of location. For example:



The QmWAT… is the hash of the content “Hello World”.

If someone were to change “Hello World” to “Goodbye World”, the hash and thus the link will change.


goodbye world

It’ll be impossible to change the content without changing the link, which is great for data integrity. But…

What if the content changes?

If the content changes, the hash will change and the link will change.

new content -> new hash -> new link

This can be a headache if you‘re adding/updating content. Imagine a blog with new articles everyday. You’ll have to generate a new hash every time something changes.

Everything downstream will also be changed. If you have a domain name (myawesomeipfswebsiteblog.com), then you’ll have to update the values to the new hash.

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash


Fleek aims to simplify web development into one seamless workflow. Simply push changes to Git and Fleek will automatically update, pin and deploy changes downstream.


Some features:

  • Fleek accommodates many frameworks such as gatsby, jekyll, create-react-app etc.
  • Fleek also handles DNS records. Either purchase a domain from them or point it to a domain you purchased elsewhere.
  • No need to manually update hashes, TXT values etc.
  • Fleek provides a CID(content identifier) for more IPFS features such as verification and self hosting.


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